Entrepreneurship Through Acquisition (ETA) is a unique and increasingly popular path to business ownership that involves buying an existing business rather than starting one from scratch. For veterans, this method can be particularly advantageous, leveraging their unique skills and experiences while offering a more secure and established entry into the business world.

What is ETA?

ETA is the process of finding, acquiring, and managing an existing profitable business. This approach contrasts with traditional entrepreneurship, where one starts a business from the ground up. By acquiring an existing business, new owners inherit a functioning operation, an established customer base, and a track record of profitability.

Why Veterans Should Consider ETA

Veterans bring a wealth of experience in leadership, strategic planning, and operational efficiency—skills that are highly transferable to managing a business. Here are some reasons why ETA can be a particularly good fit for veterans:

  1. Proven Business Model: When you buy an existing business, you acquire a company with a proven track record. This reduces the risks associated with startups, where many fail within the first few years.
  2. Established Customer Base: An existing business comes with established customers, suppliers, and processes, making it easier to generate steady revenue from day one.
  3. Easier Financing: Lenders and investors are generally more willing to finance the acquisition of an existing, profitable business compared to a new startup with no history.
  4. Leadership Experience: Military experience often involves managing teams, resources, and complex operations—skills that are directly applicable to running a business.
  5. Immediate Cash Flow: Unlike startups, which can take years to become profitable, an existing business typically provides immediate cash flow, making it easier to sustain and grow the business.

Pros and Cons of ETA


  • Reduced Risk: The risk of failure is lower when acquiring an established business.
  • Faster Return on Investment: With existing revenue streams, new owners can see a quicker return on their investment.
  • Built-In Structure: Existing businesses have established processes, systems, and personnel in place, reducing the time and effort needed to get the business up to speed.
  • Brand Recognition: Acquiring a business with a well-known brand can provide immediate market credibility and customer loyalty.


  • Initial Investment: Acquiring a business often requires a significant upfront investment, which can be a barrier for some aspiring entrepreneurs.
  • Integration Challenges: Integrating into an existing business culture and making necessary changes can be challenging.
  • Inheriting Problems: An existing business may come with hidden issues such as outdated processes, debts, or legal liabilities that need to be addressed.

Franchising as an Option for ETA

Franchising can also be a viable path under the ETA umbrella. By purchasing a franchise, you get the benefits of owning an established business model with the support and brand recognition of a larger company. Here’s why franchising can be an appealing option:


  • Proven Business Model: Franchises come with a tried-and-true business model that has been tested and refined.
  • Support and Training: Franchisors provide extensive training and ongoing support to ensure your success.
  • Brand Recognition: Buying into a franchise means you’re joining a well-known brand, which can attract customers more easily.


  • Less Autonomy: Franchisees must adhere to the franchisor’s rules and guidelines, limiting your ability to make independent business decisions.
  • Fees and Royalties: Franchise owners typically pay ongoing fees and royalties, which can impact profitability.

The Baby Boomer Opportunity

One of the driving forces behind the growing interest in ETA is the “Silver Tsunami”—the wave of baby boomers reaching retirement age. Many of these business owners are looking to sell their businesses, creating a significant opportunity for veterans and other aspiring entrepreneurs. According to estimates, trillions of dollars in business assets are expected to change hands in the coming years, presenting a golden opportunity for those ready to step into ownership roles.

Why Owners in Honor Focuses on ETA

Owners in Honor specializes in ETA because we believe it offers the best path for veterans to leverage their skills and achieve business success. We focus on ETA for several reasons:

  1. Reduced Risk: Veterans can step into profitable businesses, reducing the risk associated with starting from scratch.
  2. Leadership Fit: Veterans’ leadership and operational skills align well with managing established businesses.
  3. Economic Impact: Helping veterans acquire businesses ensures these enterprises continue to thrive, supporting local economies and job creation.

ETA provides a powerful avenue for veterans to achieve business success, leveraging their unique skills and experiences while minimizing the risks associated with traditional entrepreneurship. With the impending retirement of many baby boomer business owners, the time has never been better to explore this path. At Owners in Honor, we are committed to guiding veterans through this process, ensuring they have the support and resources needed to thrive as business owners. Visit ownersinhonor.org to learn more about how you can take the next step in your entrepreneurial journey.


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